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09 de Junio, 2010    General

cell phone spy equipment is often less expensive than other equipment

Info Tools VS Antisadap Tapping Tool - Eavesdropping on conversations important resource to tap telephone conversations on a variety of ways is the work of phone spyware or intelligence assigned to it. However, for the sake of protecting secrets, theft attempts with this information can ditangkal antipenyadapan technology. Discovery of cases of bribery Artalita some time ago by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which then dragged the unscrupulous prosecution, arrest the perpetrators of the terrorist bombings of the JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton, and other cases. Behold how canggihkah wiretapping technology that? Tapping on a phone cable or cellular phone can be done by monitoring the talks in a certain phone number at the central telephone operator. To listen to phone conversations from a short distance can also be done by installing a tape recorder near the speaker talks, then send the recording via cellular phone signals. Although referred to as a means of spying, listening devices cell phone spy software free that conversation turned out to be marketed freely. Through the Internet, for example, there are parties who market freely. For tapper unit using a mobile phone based on GSM (global system for mobile communication) or a fixed telephone network with wires (Public Switched Telephone Network / PSTN). The device, smaller than a mobile phone worth less than Rp 2 million is enough lithium battery is turned on with a durable and easy to conceal. With this tool, the conversation in the room or car can be monitored with the help of a GSM signal. This appliance is equipped with a slot to place pieces of Identification Module To Re-(Re-Usable Identification Module / RUIM card) or a subscriber identity module (SIM) card based on GSM. With that the conversation pieces around these devices can be monitored also by fixed telephone or a PSTN. Tool called Spy Gear can be activated to listen to conversations of people who become the target number by calling the SIM card has been inserted therein. Thus gained access to listen to the conversation at that location. In addition, the other is tapping technique using a laser beam. Photonics experts from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences have carried out tests tapping sound with laser sensors. The laser was fired at a wall of glass for example can capture and reflect sound waves back to the receiver. The results were translated to bounce sound off the sound. This process is almost simultaneous because the speed exceed light waves sound waves. Legally intercepted by wiretapping law is one of the authority that the Commission and police in Indonesia. Therefore, for purposes such as listening devices, according Sarinanto Mohammad Mustafa, Head of Electronic Systems Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT), should be sold is limited to the competent authorities of the country buyers. However, free sales inevitable because some countries, especially in Eastern Europe, memperjualbelikannya freely. Even so, the purchase of sophisticated surveillance tool that takes the voice of prudence. Because there might be in it also means hidden bugs, which are utilized by the sellers and the technology. Technological developments Technological developments that followed the tapping mode of communication that develops over time. At first wiretapping is an important activity undertaken during the war, even one of the determinants of victory during the war. Generally on the battlefield, communication media that require a security is radio communication. Mode of communication used by radio communication using a radio frequency that is open to the public to make wiretapping easier to do because the sound waves propagate to everywhere. Tapping can also be performed on fixed telephone lines of communication (fixed line). Relatively easy to do because it is sufficient to make tapping or attaching a cable to capture the voice signals on telephone cables dirambatkan. With cell phones that allow high mobility, even expanded to wiretapping technology free cell phone spy software, mobile world, by utilizing cellular telephone signal propagation in the air. In the world of cell phones, commonly known as interception Celluler telephone (CTI). Digital interception system on cell phones were discovered and patented by Peter Suprunov in the U.S.. 
Anti-wiretapping  wiretapping technology development and also carried out in Indonesia. Sarinanto said, BPPT itself since a few years ago looking to do communications security technology development activities which include communication via fixed telephone, mobile telephone, and radio communications. Domestic technological support needed to maintain the sovereignty of information among government policy makers and the possibility of wiretaps conducted by foreign parties, both inside and outside the country, both for the interests of government officials and defense and security apparatus. Security conducted on voice conversations and short messages on mobile phones (SMS). For that applied the principle of changing the analog voice to digital, then given the additional processing for security (encrypted) that can only be opened (decrypted) by the same algorithm. "Thus, even in the middle of the road bugged though, but not the contents of the conversation can be heard," explained Sarinanto. Enkriptor developed for securing the voice conversation is carried on radio communications. With reference to this principle, BPPT develop safety radio communications system that can secure conversations in various media are universally in order to reduce the reliance on tools and communication media. Similarly to the short message in the form of text-based digital data. To protect against eavesdropping free cell phone listening, the digital data from the short message further given encryption algorithm in the form of additional processing before the message is sent, which then opened (decrypted) at the receiver side to be able to read the contents of the message. According Sarinanto, this antisadap module development difficult in Indonesia because cellular technology developing so rapidly and embrace many systems, including GSM and CDMA.
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publicado por phonespy a las 07:42 · 2 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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This gonna be add new dimension to the Spy era surely.It looks like has a great potential to make spying effective than ever.The description was fine. Though there are several tools and equipments for spying, this will make it's own place among them I hope.Looking forward for more interesting and useful stuff like this.

spy tools
publicado por spy tools, el 01.09.2011 08:13
It would be another thing a phone can perform. It's like mobile is replacing the laptop generation in the techworld.
publicado por Phone Insurance Australia, el 26.08.2013 04:04
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